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Experts for Expats has been featured in...

The Times - Thousands of retiring Britons vote for Brexodus - click to see article
BBC Breakfast - Expats in Cyprus having issues with UK bank accounts - click to see article
As a UK property seller living abroad am I liable for ‘sneaky stealth taxes’ such as CGT? - As a UK property seller living abroad am I liable for ‘sneaky stealth taxes’ such as CGT? - click to see article
23% of British expats set to sell UK property - 23% of British expats set to sell UK property - click to see article
Are you a British expat whose bank account is being closed due to Brexit? Here's what's happening and what you can do about it - Are you a British expat whose bank account is being closed due to Brexit? Here's what's happening and what you can do about it - click to see article
Telegraph - Retiring Abroad Article - We wanted one more adventure’ – the Britons who retired to their favourite holiday destinations - click to see article


What expats say about our experts

I was impressed with the speed of service and the warm and friendly nature with which it was delivered. I will probably need paid advice in the near future depending upon circumstances

Peter J.

UK Tax Matters introduction in United Kingdom

I don't normally recommend financial providers to anyone as it is so personal but if someone asked specifically for advice for Expats I would suggest they tried your website.

Liz S.

Investment Advice introduction in United Kingdom

Very good advice, very professional and knew the subject matter in depth.

Ian M.

Pensions introduction in United States

To be honest the service has been exceptional and the Experts for Expats partners have been very good in their response and help so far. I’d definitely recommend your web service.

Michael M.

UK Tax Return introduction in United Kingdom

At a time of some confusion, the expert pointed the way that helped me better understand the problem I was having, and the best approach to solve it.

Michael M.

UK Tax Matters introduction in China

We have been struggling with the complexity of the immigration process to the UK. Experts for Expats referred us to a tax accountant who was very responsive and in just a few minutes clarified many of our questions and gave us some peace of mind regarding at least that part of the process. We are very pleased and will continue to use the site and the referred accountant as we continue to navigate the process.

Lolin G.

Cross border tax planning introduction in United States

I'm very wary of website operations (particularly when it comes to government liaisons). But after a check-up on 'Experts for Expats' I decided to take the plunge. Since then I've been very pleased with the professional connection I was offered and the straight forward way it was presented.

Although I've not a lot of experience with this specialized type of service, I can say that if there's a better one on offer they had better be pretty f*cking good.

Michael C.

US Tax Matters introduction in United Kingdom

Your website and immediate response to my enquiry immediately gave me the re-assurance that my tax enquiry would be handled professionally. The partner provided clear and concise advice on what was not a straightforward tax matter. It was finalised within eleven days of the first enquiry which included out of hours contact and managing the eleven hour time difference between Australia and Scotland.

Robert M.

UK Tax Advice introduction in Australia